Monday, March 8, 2010

10 Random Things About Me (Jessie)

1. Some nicknames: Jess, Missy, Miss, Swiss Miss, Jeffis, Jeff, Jerf, Curly, Ssica (courtesy of my friend Mike), and Cousin It (thanks, brothers)

2. I sometimes attract strange men. This one time, a guy sat next to me in a movie theater and tried to impress me with his vast wealth of Superman trivia, including the fact that he was learning Kryptonese, "the language of Superman." I also got stuck next to a guy named Mushroom on a plane, once, who told me he found his twin in Japan.

3. I've taken 7 years of voice lessons, which has resulted in my ability to do a passable opera singer imitation.

4. I've had Type 1 diabetes for 20 years. Sometimes I deal with it fine, other times I hate it and worry about complications. One of the worst parts of having it is that it NEVER goes away. However, it did result in some interesting quotes being attributed to me in college (i.e., "I feel really high right now - Jessie Jelsing, Theology Major").

5. Curiously, Altoids always make me sneeze. Without fail.

6. On a typical workday, I spend at least an hour-and-a-half commuting. I listen to a lot of music.

7. My current occupation is being a temp in the mortgage department of a filing company. You really don't want to hear more (your mind probably started wandering at the word "temp" or "mortgage," anyway).

8. I have been blessed with thick, curly hair. And eyebrows that rival Groucho Marx's when I don't pluck them.

9. I'm living in L.A. with my longtime friend Bethanie, whom I've known since we were 9, and she's AMAZING.

10. Some of my favorite things: reading, traveling, cats, swing dancing, Trader Joe's, dead theologians (as in Augustine, Athanasius, Calvin, etc.), funny people, sincere people, roller coasters, and coffee dates.

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